
ENACT will have a high strategic impact at national / European level. It will:

1) Improve management of buildings to increase their energy efficiency

2) Increase innovation related to specific technologies and techniques for energy efficiency

3) Increase training (quantitative and qualitative) on energy efficiency issues – new, well defined and structured courses to train the new figure of energy auditor according to the national / regional standards.

ENACT impact fits within the Europe2020 strategy and in particular with the achievement of the targets for “Climate change and energy sustainability”.

  • O1 - Energy auditors competencies and professional profiles

    The "Energy auditors competencies and professional profiles" (O1) is articulated in two main interrelated documents: “Comparative Report” (O1A1) and “Energy Auditor Professional Profile(s) Matrix” (O1A2)

    The Comparative Report (O1A1) aims to present and supply information about the qualification, certification and training system of the professional figure related to energy efficiency (energy auditors, energy managers, etc.) in each ENACT country (Italy, Poland, Portugal, Spain) in a comparable manner (National Reports). The content of the Comparative Report is structured in the following main axes:

    • Institutional - existing profiles, labour market dynamics, governance models (actors, tools and procedures). A thorough and compared analysis on closed and ongoing researches and professional peer groups is included;

    • Sectorial: training schemes/systems - relevant emerging scenarios in the targeted job segment of auditors and in the wider green job sector in terms of skills needs, learning outcomes and professional profiles. A map of existing educational and VET curricula and training programs is included.

    The Comparative Report enables to:

    - Have an overview of the situation in all the ENACT countries,

    - Identify possible areas for collaboration and/or sharing of expertise/experience regarding training of energy auditors,

    - Build the conceptual frame of a common (and modular) ENACT Energy Auditor professional profile

    The Energy Auditor Professional Profile(s) Matrix (O1A2) reports the professional profiles (including the related skills, learning outcomes and competences) and the referentiation both at national (NQF) and the European (EQF) level. The matrix enables to:

    - Compare the characteristics of the various energy efficient profiles,

    - Define the national modular matrix of energy efficient profiles and the NQF referentiation,

    - Identify the European ENACT Energy Auditor (modular) profile(s).


    All documents are available in English and are public. Following the links with the name of the document it is possible to download the national reports and the executive summary of the "Energy auditors competencies and professional profiles"(O1).

    For the full "Energy auditors competencies and professional profiles"(O1), “Comparative Report” (O1A1) and/or “Energy Auditor Professional Profile(s) Matrix” (O1A2), please send an email to


  • O2 - ENACT program and learning resources

    Program and learning resources for the energy auditor, comprehensive of:

    - Qualification scheme (in English and in the project languages)

    - ENACT Course description,

    - ECVET Definition Plan,

    - ENACT Learning Resources and Materials

    - ENACT Validation Report for each country


    For the documents not present for download, please send an email to specifying the document requested


  • O3 - ENACT integrated system

    Final products

    ENACT integrated system

    Validation report

    ENACT system

    A technology based learning system supporting individual and collaborative learning processes to enable:

    - access to ENACT program and training activities;

    - access and sharing of ENACT learning resources; 

    - access and sharing of supporting learning resources and external open educational resources;

    - access to collaborative areas, to share among participants and trainers (and within  both professional communities) resources, practices.

  • O4 - ENACT recommendations

    Final products

    ENACT recommendations

    ENACT reccommendation

    Publication on the ENACT experience and results achieved to provide at national and European level the reccomendations and guidelines to manage the opportunities and challenges brought about by the environmental changes by implementing a multi-actor governance model (business, institutions, VET) and  common qualification (and validation) frames, to foster flexibility, employability and mobility.

  • Dissemination material

    Final products

    Dissemination material



    Press release

    Slide presentation


    Dissemination materials are:

    - Press release

    - Card

    - Slide presentation

    - Flyer

    - Roll-up


    With the inputs from all partners, was defined the ENACT Dissemination Plan - for the full document, please send an email to: